Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Diagnosis . . . FINALLY

After almost three months of not feeling well, "it" has a name. Ulcerative Colitis. Probably not the best name but so much better than it could be. I started on a new medication that is supposed to help and have been reading tons on the internet about UC. If anyone has any input on diet and triggers, please let me know.

In other news, the snowmen have made their appearance in the house. Carly is very upset with me as there are now snowmen in her favorite place to lay - on top of the fridge. I'm nowhere near done and actually the house looks pretty trashed but I know it will get better and be SO worth it. I love Christmas decorations, Christmas music, Christmas baking. It just makes me feel so good. There wasn't anyone who loved Christmas as much as my dad and I must have gotten my love for the season from him.

Well, I need to work on my kitchen so I have a table again. Pics of the house to follow in a few days.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh the Joys . . . update

Wednesday was the worse day but I've seem to turn the corner a bit. Still don't know exactly what is happening but I feel better. In fact, I am decorating for Christmas by putting out my snowman collection. Well, collection is an understatement - it's more of an obsession. This process takes me weeks to put up and get it right but I'm hoping to wrap it up this weekend so all that is left is the Christmas trees. Yes, three full-sized Christmas trees. I'll put up some pictures after this is finished.

The girls tolerate the snowmen and considering the snowmen take over every nook and cranny in the house where they like to lay around, I think they do well.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oh the Joys! Yes, I'm whining . . .

I feel like crap. I have felt like this for 2 1/2 months. It has been 2 1/2 very trying months.

The past three weeks have been visits to the emergency room, doctor's office, labs, CT Scans and other varied procedures - not to mention the four different medications to try to figure out what is going on. Now I am waiting for the results of last weeks biopies. Hopefully they will show something that is treatable.

For some reason everything feels so overwhelming when you don't feel good. Usual, everyday things become mountains. I'm tired of saying "I'm fine" to people in hopes that I will feel it also.

So, here's hoping that by 5:00 p.m. today, I will know something and can say I am on the upswing again.

Friday, October 1, 2010

and life goes on . . .

Tomorrow my son and daugther-in-law will be 17 weeks pregnant.
On Tuesday my daughter and son-in-law will be 26 weeks.

WOW, have I mentioned I'm going to be a grandma? Keith and I went shopping last weekend at an outlet mall and had such fun buying stuff for the babies. Send down a couple of sleepers to my son and daughter-in-law this week. So much fun to pick up these little things and surprise the kids.

I had a really miss my kids week this week. I usually do ok with the fact that they are all out-of-state but every once in a while when I'm having a tough week at work or a tough week with my extended family I have a really miss my kids week - it was both. Maybe the fact that Keith and I get to have some time with my great niece Ava tomorrow and then spending time with my mom and nephew on Sunday for his birthday
will help. Not exactly my kids but a very close second.

On the Siamese front, they are getting used to being just the two of them. They are loving the Michigan Fall days with the windows open and the cool air blowing in. Camille, the older of the two, has taken to sleeping under the blankets with me since we like to sleep with the window open. Carly has been curling up in the blanket at the end of the bed. She really doesn't like to be in constant human contact like Camille does. It is always up to Carly, on her timing. Sounds like a Siamese, eh?

Time to go to the store to get ready for the weekend. Enjoy the fall days.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I feel blessed . . .

I love and am loved by God
I love and am loved by my husband
I have three wonderful children whom I love and who love me and these three wonderful children have wonderful people in their lives whom I love and who love me
I have grandchildren who are not even born yet that I already love more than I ever thought I could
I have my mom whom I love and who loves me and wonderful memories of my dad
I have siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews whom I love and love me
I have friends I love and who love me

I know this may sound cheesy but today was not the best day. When I've had a day like today it is so easy for me to come home and complain. Thankfully, tonight was one of those nights when I was home by myself and Keith didn't have to listen to me. This gave me time to think about these things I've listed above and be so incredibly thankful and I do feel so blessed. I guess it has been a good night.

Monday, September 27, 2010

In other news . . .

We are going to be GRANDPARENTS!!!! We have two grandbabies coming - one in January 2011 and the other in March 2011. We are SO excited. The January baby is a boy and we are waiting to find out what the March baby is. A lot of people have said, "Oh, I bet you are hoping for a girl!" Well, in all honesty, I'm not sure. The babies are going to be about eight weeks apart and having two boys would be great but then having one of each would be great also. I'm so glad that the baby's gender has already been decided and we just have to wait. The ultrasound will be in October so we have about four more weeks of the "unknowns."

The January baby's ultrasound was fantastic. I am amazed at how clear these things are now. I had one ultrasound 34 years ago and it just looked like it was snowing to me. Check out how clear they are now!

He is so beautiful!

More later as more becomes available.

About Boo

Sadly, we had to move Boo Bear up north to a friend of mine's family farm. Boo had decided to mark his territory, starting with my rugs, then my wood floor and finally up against the wall. He is in perfect health so it wasn't a health issue. I will do almost anything for these kits but that was where I drew the line.

This broke my heart and the girls are still looking for him from time to time. However, they are playing with each other more. They don't worry about being tackled by the 22 pound moose anymore.

Last I heard he was running the farm, catching mice and doing well. He has food and water plus a warm place to sleep at night.

Bye Boo Bear - you are a sweetheart.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

About the "kits"

Sunday mornings are the best. I'm sitting with a cup of coffee watching the three kits try to find places to settle down.
Camille has taken a liking to the heating pad. I had the heating pad out for a pulled muscle about three weeks ago and she has claimed it for her bed. She will walk into the back room, stand on the heating pad and look at me like, "Hey - do something . . . this isn't warm!"
Carly Sue is at the top of the cat tree looking out the window and "ykking" (a term from the "Cat Who" books) at the birds and squirrel that are out there. She makes the funniest noise.
Boo Bear has taken up residence under my recliner. I always have to look under the foot rest before I put it down to be sure I'm not going to squash him. However, now that he is a whopping 22 pounds, I think the chair would break first. Man he is a big cat. Even though I know he is part Maine Coon, I didn't imagine he would get this big.
On a "kid" note, Kel was home from Boston for a week. She had Spring break from Tufts. It was great to see her and just hang out. She needed a rest and time to read a ton so it worked out well that I had to work during the day. She also had time to see her grandmothers which was good.
On Friday, Kat and Kyle drove up from St. Louis. They had an engagement party to go to and it was great that Kat was able to see her sister for about 24 hours before Kel flew out.
It's been great to see the kids. We drove down to Raleigh in early March and got to see Jake and Em so aside from not seeing Mike, we were able to see all the kids in March.
Time to get ready for church. Have a blessed Sunday.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Before a year passes . . .

I decided that before I hit a year, I had better try to post something here.

March in Michigan really isn't post-worthy but it's all I have. I do understand why the kids moved to other areas. Definately could use some more sun and 60 - 70 degree days. Right now everything is brown and gooshy from the snow melting. I swear the sod in the front yard was floating last week.

The birds are back - stupid birds. Don't they realize that they are being lulled into a false sense of Spring? Give them a few nice days and you hear them in the morning. Then we all feel guilty when Mother Nature delivers a nice 3 - 6 inches of wet, heavy snow that covers every means of their food source.

It won't be long now before the grass is green and the leaves are back. Very much looking forward to that.