Friday, October 1, 2010

and life goes on . . .

Tomorrow my son and daugther-in-law will be 17 weeks pregnant.
On Tuesday my daughter and son-in-law will be 26 weeks.

WOW, have I mentioned I'm going to be a grandma? Keith and I went shopping last weekend at an outlet mall and had such fun buying stuff for the babies. Send down a couple of sleepers to my son and daughter-in-law this week. So much fun to pick up these little things and surprise the kids.

I had a really miss my kids week this week. I usually do ok with the fact that they are all out-of-state but every once in a while when I'm having a tough week at work or a tough week with my extended family I have a really miss my kids week - it was both. Maybe the fact that Keith and I get to have some time with my great niece Ava tomorrow and then spending time with my mom and nephew on Sunday for his birthday
will help. Not exactly my kids but a very close second.

On the Siamese front, they are getting used to being just the two of them. They are loving the Michigan Fall days with the windows open and the cool air blowing in. Camille, the older of the two, has taken to sleeping under the blankets with me since we like to sleep with the window open. Carly has been curling up in the blanket at the end of the bed. She really doesn't like to be in constant human contact like Camille does. It is always up to Carly, on her timing. Sounds like a Siamese, eh?

Time to go to the store to get ready for the weekend. Enjoy the fall days.