Sunday, March 28, 2010

About the "kits"

Sunday mornings are the best. I'm sitting with a cup of coffee watching the three kits try to find places to settle down.
Camille has taken a liking to the heating pad. I had the heating pad out for a pulled muscle about three weeks ago and she has claimed it for her bed. She will walk into the back room, stand on the heating pad and look at me like, "Hey - do something . . . this isn't warm!"
Carly Sue is at the top of the cat tree looking out the window and "ykking" (a term from the "Cat Who" books) at the birds and squirrel that are out there. She makes the funniest noise.
Boo Bear has taken up residence under my recliner. I always have to look under the foot rest before I put it down to be sure I'm not going to squash him. However, now that he is a whopping 22 pounds, I think the chair would break first. Man he is a big cat. Even though I know he is part Maine Coon, I didn't imagine he would get this big.
On a "kid" note, Kel was home from Boston for a week. She had Spring break from Tufts. It was great to see her and just hang out. She needed a rest and time to read a ton so it worked out well that I had to work during the day. She also had time to see her grandmothers which was good.
On Friday, Kat and Kyle drove up from St. Louis. They had an engagement party to go to and it was great that Kat was able to see her sister for about 24 hours before Kel flew out.
It's been great to see the kids. We drove down to Raleigh in early March and got to see Jake and Em so aside from not seeing Mike, we were able to see all the kids in March.
Time to get ready for church. Have a blessed Sunday.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Before a year passes . . .

I decided that before I hit a year, I had better try to post something here.

March in Michigan really isn't post-worthy but it's all I have. I do understand why the kids moved to other areas. Definately could use some more sun and 60 - 70 degree days. Right now everything is brown and gooshy from the snow melting. I swear the sod in the front yard was floating last week.

The birds are back - stupid birds. Don't they realize that they are being lulled into a false sense of Spring? Give them a few nice days and you hear them in the morning. Then we all feel guilty when Mother Nature delivers a nice 3 - 6 inches of wet, heavy snow that covers every means of their food source.

It won't be long now before the grass is green and the leaves are back. Very much looking forward to that.